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Century number 2! Lewistown to Great Falls


Hi y’all!

This is Gillian coming to you with an update on our century ride a few days ago!

The day started bright and early at the civic center in Lewistown, at 3:30 to be exact! We got up, did our chores, ate breakfast, and we’re on the road at first light. We watched the sun rise over the Judith Mountains, an amazing way to start the day. The day started with temperatures in the upper 40s and we all bundled up in multiple layers that we shedded over the day as it got into the 90s. We headed west for much of the ride on highway 200 for over 100 miles. We fought our way through the headwinds to first lunch at mile 40, took a quick lunch, and got back on the road to keep going. Between first and second lunch was difficult because of the extreme winds and hills. We even had to pedal downhill to keep moving forward!

Once we made it to second lunch we knew we were on the final stretch. We pulled off the road for a few minutes to eat yet another peanut butter and jelly and refill our water bottles. The last 30 miles were a breeze as we headed into the biggest place we’ve been in a while, Great Falls Montana. We got to ride on a scenic rail trail along the Missouri River. Then, we arrived at the host, the Habitat Restore. We showered, hung out, and ate some sandwiches donated by a supporter of the trip, which were delicious!! Then, a few of us explored the city before a much needed long night of sleep!


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