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Day 50: The Blog of Delights


Updated: Aug 8, 2022

Hallo from the big ND! Kelly here checking in from Bismarck after a stellar day.

At the recommendation of my pal Caity, I’ve just started reading Ross Gay’s “The Book of Delights,”  a series of essays about finding delight in the everyday. Since today was nothing if not delightful, I’ll share some of those moments: small delights from a big day.

To set the scene: we rode 72 miles from the small town of Napoleon, ND to the (relatively) big city of Bismarck - spelled with a C, as I was shocked to learn! The headwinds were nutritious but not too filling, and the expansive views were simply spectacular. I rode with Nina, Gillian, and Katelyn, and we had great chats and laughs all day.

Small delight #1:

I accidentally set my alarm for an hour later than I meant to, so instead of getting up 10 minutes before wake up call as I intended, I woke up frantically 15 minutes after. While it didn’t seem delightful at the time, I’m gonna choose to look back on 25 extra minutes of sleep as delightful.

Small delight #2:

Yutong and Gabby were the van squad today and they were simply adorable as they presented route meeting info and town facts. You can’t not smile looking at these two.

Small delight #3:

Nina has a banana dog zip tied to her bike. Every time her heel kicks up she grazes its ear and it looks like it’s lying on its back in bliss getting little ear scratches.

Small delight #4:

A small bouquet of sunflowers to try to recreate Van Gogh for the sweep challenge. Then, sunflowers on the bikes for the rest of the ride.

Small delight #5:

A tiny little nap at lunch - as demonstrated by Avery.

Small delight #6:

Cinnamon raisin bread with butter - butter is such a luxury at lunch! And a pocket latte to save me from lunch legs.

Small delight #7:

How dang big the sky looked today.

Small delight #8:

Stopping to smell the roses (or chalk the flowers).

Small delight #9:

Katelyn’s parents flew all the way in from Texas and were generous enough to cater Panera for us for dinner.  Soup! Salad! Sandwiches! As we get further out west these types of real meals get rarer, and are all the more appreciated.

Small delight #10:

Taking advantage of a chill night to just sit and read my book about delights in the grass on my pocket blanket. Full circle moment eh?

Hope you’re having a delightful day.

Yours in hay bales,



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