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Day 51: Bismarck Build Day


Updated: Aug 9, 2022

Today we got to sleep in until about 7am when we had to pack up to be out of the childcare room we were staying in. We lounged around in the lobby until it was time to leave for our build sites. We split up today and 6 of us went to a Soup Kitchen. The rest of us went to Youth Works. They helped move furniture around and built a shed from scratch.

At the soap kitchen, we got a tour around the facility and did food prep in the morning before they opened. At 11am they open their doors and the lunch rush began. They served sandwiches and soups by placing an order with Katelyn or Nina. My job was to dish up salads and bring them around to the tables offering to each guest; there were pasta salads, coleslaw, and boiled eggs. I did the same thing with various dessert options.

The other group came in to eat lunch just before 1pm while we were still pretty busy so it got a little hectic trying to serve everyone but it turned out fine. I got a small break to eat some food and then went back to work. It slowed down during the afternoon and I was able to slip away from my rounds and do some cleaning. Around 3pm the other group relieved us and I was able to take a quick nap at the host before we headed back to clean up at closing time. We took showers and then came back to have dinner that they prepared for us.

The other organization we worked with was Youth Works. They are a shelter and service provider for homeless and struggling youth. They also have transitional housing for older youth adults between 18-21 who are ready to have more independence and move into their own apartments. They believe in the housing first model to get a safe place for youth to live, then focusing on assisting with other needs. Our group got a tour of the space, helped unload donation furniture, started the process of building shed (before realizing all the pieces were not given to the organization), and finished the day with yard work.

After dinner, a group of us went to Costco and got ice creams and filled the tank of the van!


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